Monday, November 28, 2011

The Daily News

Today in Language Arts, we practiced text features, context clues, verb tenses, and quotation marks in centers. We also watched a video about quotation marks.

Today in Math, we made Monster Wheels and Fun Flips (fortune tellers) for our multiplication tables. Next week, we will begin working on mulitplying by 3.

We are still waiting for our larva (pupa) to turn into beetles.

From now on, we will have two students blog daily about our activites in class.

We have a new packet for Literature Circles that will go home today.

We hope you will enjoy and follow our blog!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Math Math Math!


I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! We are beginning a new chapter in math. In chapter 5, we will learn about how to solve problems using bar models. After this chapter, we will begin the much anticipated MULTIPLICATION chapters! Remember to logon to to view your child's text book and for extra practice with the workbook and online games.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Science Court!

Science Court is now in session! Science Court is an engaging, hands-on unit that combines Science and Social Studies curriculum.

As we continue through Science Court, your child will learn the difference between living, non-living, and dead. Your child will be able to describe these differences in detail. Because this program uses a "trial" to engage students, your child will also learn about how court cases work and the procedures of a trial.

Is a chicken bone dead? Is it living? Is it non-living? After this week, your child should be able to answer these questions!

We will also be hatching brine shrimp eggs in class this week!!! Brine shrimp eggs appear to be non-living... but are things always the way they seem?

Of course, this program entails so much more; these are just some of the highlights!

Go explore!

Math Math Math

We are continuing to work through chapter two of our text. Chapter two focuses on Mental Math and Estimation. Last week, we studied mental addition and subtraction. We will spend the remainder of the week focusing on Rounding Numbers to Estimation as well as Front-End Estimation. If you go to, you can access your child's text book and workbook. Chapter two begins on page 41 of the text book. If you are looking for ways to help your child with his/her math, look at the text book and go over some of the problems with your child at home. We do these problems in class but extra practice is ALWAYS a huge help! Remember, your child's login and password is: first initial last name. If I were a student, my login and password would be lbayne. Have fun learning math!

Diver of the Week!

Congratulations to Andrew for earning our "Diver of the Week" award! Andrew continually displays a strong work ethic, follows directions in class, and helps his classmates when needed. Great job Andrew!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Upcoming Math Test


Our first math test is this Thursday! Where has the time gone?? While I believe our class is ready for this test, there are some things you can do with your child to help him/her prepare for success on this test.

Give your child made-up problems with ordering and sequencing numbers to 10,000.


1. 10,000 > 9,999 > 9,998
2. 3,252 < 3,352 < 3,628

1. 6,650....6,660....________....6,680
2. _____....3,211....4,211...._______

ANY questions like this will help your child, as they will be on the test. There will be other skills (like place value), but ordering and sequencing seem to be the most difficult for our class. Hope this helps!

Diver of the Week!

Cheers to Fiona for earning our "Diver of the Week" award! Fiona turns her homework and all other assignments in on time and always does her best in class! Great job Fiona!!!